
Using Women as a Tool to Expand the Party 

The following is from Themis, a monthly magazine specializing in subscriptions, which arrived at my home yesterday.I have already mentioned that I subscribe to this magazine to read Masayuki Takayama's regular columns.This article also pro…



正に朝日のお得意芸と言うべきだろう… 常に自分達に都合よく利用する…

正に朝日のお得意芸と言うべきだろう… 常に自分達に都合よく利用する…2019年05月03日そもそも春には頻繁に中国本土から飛来するpm2.5に覆われるのに、メディアは殆ど、これを報じない。…と題して2018-06-25に発信した章からである。昨日、今日は今年一番暑…

The self-righteous and arrogant Matsuoka and Asahi were a perfect match.

Even when the Emperor spoke out against it, the army chief of staff and the Asahi Shimbun did not "listen" to him. The self-righteous and arrogant Matsuoka and Asahi were breathing perfectly together.May 06, 2019Emperor Showa disliked Yosu…

It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/9/29.

1 習氏が権力基盤の浮沈をかけて台湾攻略に出てこようとするのに対し、抑止を確実にするには日米台の覚悟が必要で、日本は日本の国益のためにこそ、 2 トップページ 3 日付毎(2023年09月02日) 4 日付毎(2023年09月04日) 5 内モンゴルでの放射能漏れ事故……

It is a popular page yesterday, 2023/9/29.

1 習氏が権力基盤の浮沈をかけて台湾攻略に出てこようとするのに対し、抑止を確実にするには日米台の覚悟が必要で、日本は日本の国益のためにこそ、 2 トップページ 3 再発信!中国では残された家族も危うい…中国贔屓が圧倒的な日本の政界。あなた方もいずれ…

A genuine politician can crush such vile viciousness with a single word.

A genuine politician can crush such vile viciousness with a single word.August 23, 2021The following is from Nobuhiko Sakai's regular column in yesterday's Sankei Shimbun.He represents the thoughts of all honest Japanese citizens.I will pr…

If the soldiers in the North stay in their homeland, they will starve to death.

The following is from the serial column of Masayuki Takayama, who brings the weekly Shincho released today to a successful conclusion.This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.A long time ago, an …



It is also a severe violation of the Broadcasting Act.

The ¥3 trillion or so to be gained from inbound tourism is just the amount of money that could be made available by immediately abolishing one of the public money-sucking systems that have been created by the idiotic LDP politicians in lea…

The following is from the late Mr. Nishibe Susumu's book "The Mass Media Will Kill the Nation."

The following is from the late Mr. Nishibe Susumu's book "The Mass Media Will Kill the Nation."All Japanese citizens who can read the printed word must now head to their nearest bookstore to subscribe.The rest of the world will know from m…



It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/9/27.

1 習氏が権力基盤の浮沈をかけて台湾攻略に出てこようとするのに対し、抑止を確実にするには日米台の覚悟が必要で、日本は日本の国益のためにこそ、 2 トップページ 3 日付毎(2023年09月02日) 4 日付毎(2023年09月04日) 5 内モンゴルでの放射能漏れ事故……



ぱっぷすに助成をしたJANIC、赤い羽根福祉基金、佐藤暁子弁護士、一般社団法人Spring、NPO法人 ヒューマンライツ・ナウ、etc.

ぱっぷすに助成をしたJANIC、赤い羽根福祉基金、佐藤暁子弁護士、一般社団法人Spring、NPO法人 ヒューマンライツ・ナウ、etc.と題して、2023年01月16日に発信した章(https://blog.goo.ne.jp/sunsetrubdown21_2010/e/5c5402abfb43ab92d9d2fecadacd10c8)が検…

Candy Apple Red - Reina del Cid and Toni Lindgren with my shots on 11/18

2022年11月19日 Candy Apple Red - Reina del Cid and Toni Lindgren

Beethoven: Symphony No. 8 in F Major, Op. 93 - III. Tempo di menuetto with my shots

2023年01月17日 Beethoven: Symphony No. 8 in F Major, Op. 93 - III. Tempo di menuetto 0 0 0

It is the responsibility of the Japanese people to abandon the Constitution that the U.S. boasts of having enacted.

2021/1/15The following is from the latest book published on 2020/12/31 by Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the postwar world.It is a must-read for all Japanese citizens and people worldwide.In particular, a person who make…



The London Times wrote 1905, "We should learn from Japan." 

2021/7/21In addition, the United States brainwashed the Japanese with ignorance, exposing them fully, saying that "Japan colonized Korea."Almost all Japanese researchers in Korea are leftists and gladly went along with the American hoax.I'…





Tại sao anh ấy đến thăm Trung Quốc bảy lần một năm?

2023/1/22Sau đây là từ một bài báo dài ba trang trong số tháng Hai của Will, một tạp chí hàng tháng hiện đang được bán, có tiêu đề "Bẫy mật ong bị cáo buộc của Yoshimasa Hayashi, Lời khai mới khác của Abe" (trang 66 ~ 75), có cuộc đối thoạ…


自殺させたのは「もんじゅ」の職員二人の自殺と同じ、事実を見ないで騒ぐメディアと野党だったのに。2021年02月03日以下は下記の2021/1/15に出版された高山正之の最新刊、変見自在 コロナが教えてくれた大悪党、からである。この本もまた世界最高の本である…

I introduce it as a must-read for not only Japanese citizens but also people all over the world

I introduce it as a must read for not only Japanese citizens but also people all over the world2018年08月31日The day before yesterday, it was subscribed to a weekly Shincho released by a friend who is a leading reader."You and Takayama Mas…

Eers nadat u die boek gelees het, sal u weet wat 'n versameling van data is en wat 'n nuusberig is

Eers nadat u die boek gelees het, sal u weet wat 'n versameling van data is en wat 'n nuusberig is2020年05月13日 Die volgende is uit 'n artikel van Masayuki Takayama, wat die weeklikse Shincho wat vandag vrygestel word, met 'n suksesvolle …

Asahi Shimbun początkowo stworzyła historię kobiet zapewniających komfort.

Asahi Shimbun początkowo stworzyła historię kobiet zapewniających komfort.2021年02月03日 Poniższy tekst pochodzi z najnowszej książki Masayuki Takayama, Henken Jizai: The Big Bad as Taught by Corona, opublikowanej 15.01.2021.Ta książka jes…

誰がそんな馬鹿な事を扇動して来たのか? あなた方である…NHKを視聴し、朝日新聞などだけを購読し続けてきたあなたがた以外の誰でもないのである。


Jusqu'à présent, plus de 220 personnes ont été rassemblées, mais plus de 70% d'entre elles

Jusqu'à présent, plus de 220 personnes ont été rassemblées, mais plus de 70% d'entre elles2020年05月11日 La Corée, autrefois membre de la Chine, a été une société confucéenne et a adhéré à l'examen impérial en même temps.Couplés à la tradi…

Not only are they repugnant, but they must also be angry from the bottom of their hearts.

2020/5/11It's no exaggeration to say that Kyoto is my second home.Since choosing Osaka as my life's setting, I've rediscovered Kyoto three times.Until May 2011, when I was seriously ill and spent seven months in the hospital, I visited Kyo…