
The Japanese place more importance on the public than on themselves. The Japanese people are the most civilized in the world.

The following is from the feature article on the conversation between Mr. Sekihei and Mr. Kin, which appeared in the monthly magazine WiLL, published on September 26th, on pages 201-211, under the title "I've become a naturalized citizen, …

Nachdem ich über 30 Jahre in Japan gelebt habe, kann ich wirklich sehen, wie aufrichtig die Japaner sind.

Das Folgende stammt aus dem Leitartikel über das Gespräch zwischen Herrn Sekihei und Herrn Kin, der im Monatsmagazin WiLL vom 26. September auf den Seiten 201-211 unter dem Titel „Ich bin eingebürgerter Staatsbürger geworden, aber ich möch…

Après avoir vécu au Japon pendant plus de 30 ans, je peux vraiment voir à quel point les Japonais sont sincères.

FrançaisCe qui suit est extrait de l'article de fond sur la conversation entre M. Sekihei et M. Kin, paru dans le mensuel WiLL du 26 septembre, pages 201 à 211, sous le titre « Je suis devenu citoyen naturalisé, mais je ne veux pas entendr…

These are the top 10 real-time search numbers as of 15:10 on 2024/9/29.

1 再発信!高市候補を通じて自民党のあるべき姿、目指すべき道。そして国家観を示す事が出来たと思います 2 Bob Dylan - Love Minus Zero (Official Audio) with my shots on 2024/9/26, in Umeda 3 These are the top 10 real-time search numbers as of 11…

It was one of the top 10 popular articles from The Turntable of Civilization, 2024/9/29.

文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 ha continuato a subire gli attacchi verbali degli sciocchi politici dell'opposizione nella Dieta. It was one of the top 10 popular articles from The Turntable of Civilization, 202…


大谷は野球に対して敬意を持っている。他球団に対しても、野球に関わる全ての人に… 2024年09月28日 11時44分03秒 先ほど、本欄の作業を中断して、大谷の打席を見ていた。大谷が「正しい構え、正しいスイングをしていれば、ストライクゾーンの球はヒット(ホ…

It is unprecedented for immediately after the decision on the LDP president.

The naked kings don't know how foolish yesterday's election of Mr. Ishiba was.It is not an exaggeration to say that they are being manipulated by the Chinese and the US Democratic Party, which embodies the US GHQ.The results of the first r…



The comfort stations were established to prevent rape in the area. Until now, the very creation of places like comfort stations during wartime had been unthinkable.

The following is from a dialogue between Masayuki Takayama and Miki Otaka, published in the monthly magazine WiLL, on pages 184-200, under the title "Let's hit back at the outrageous 'anti-Japanese' books that insult Japan."This dialogue a…

日本国民全員が必視聴!!緊急ライブ!自民党新総裁に石破茂… 高市さん残念

緊急ライブ!自民党新総裁に石破茂… 高市さん残念 [parts:eNo9yUEKwjAQQFHMSXKBQFJpF2bTIgouBTcu08kgg20njImS22tF/KsPr9m5zT8E52wD3QHudj+cBzqeVNtZtXWtsmrtyuVSRtRPisg6TaGifEEFAJxQeMaM4nUomVf2GiZKIweJ5iWU0WtcQGrKGM2MkYLXtyr8AE4fSwS5CBpazG9V3/dv2rgxq…



Which society is more secure for the citizens, the Western countries or Japan? It is obvious.

The following is from a regular column by Mayumi Tanimoto that appeared at the beginning of the monthly magazine WiLL, which was released on September 26th.It is a must-read for not only Japanese citizens but people worldwide.Western count…

It is an essential issue for the international community, and Japan should also consider enacting a "Japanese version of the Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act."

The following is from Mr. Sekihei's regular column in today's Sankei Shimbun. It is a must-read for Japanese citizens and people worldwide. The way the Sankei Shimbun is reporting on the LDP presidential election is not something that can …



These are the top 10 real-time search numbers as of 16:55 on 2024/9/26.

1 These are the top 10 real-time search numbers as of 12:06 on 2024/9/26. 2 But leave your women and children behind. 3 Repost! It was in the top 50 searches for the past week of 2024/9/26. 4 Repost! It was a popular page yesterday, 2023/9…

The threat of China's new nuclear strategy looms over our country…In 1935, 1,500 rounds…Missiles targeted at Japan

The following is an excerpt from Yoshiko Sakurai's serialized column that appears at the end of today's issue of Weekly Shincho.This paper also proves that she is the supreme national treasure, as defined by Saicho.It is a must-read not on…



It was in the top 50 searches for the past week of 2024/9/26.

1 トップページ 2 Repost!There are no human rights, no democracy, no freedom. 3 再発信!『安倍晋三回顧録』の橋本五郎氏が「本に石破さんの登場回数がない。これは評価してないから。全く評価してない。一番は… 4 何故なら、SNSで小泉進次郎の名前…

It was a popular page yesterday, 2024/9/26.

1 トップページ 3 It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2022/3/24 with my shot on 2024/9/5 4 国民は無論、自民党議員、党員全員が必視聴!!【高市早苗vs高橋弘樹】中国の脅威から守れ!高市早苗のガチ政策トーク60分 5 沖縄県知事の玉城デニー氏…

These are the top 10 real-time search numbers as of 12:06 on 2024/9/26.

1 Republier ! En d’autres termes, il s’agit d’une organisation de propagande antijaponaise. 2 Repost!These are the top 10 real-time search numbers as of 21:56 on 2024/9/25. 3 It was one of the top 10 popular articles from The Turntable of…



It is up to you to go to such a country to make money. But leave your women and children behind.

The following is from Takayama Masayuki's serialized column at the end of today's issue of Weekly Shincho.This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the post-war world.This article also proves that he is the most de…

It was one of the top 10 popular articles from The Turntable of Civilization, 2024/9/26.

文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2022/3/24 with my shot on 2024/9/5 国民は無論、自民党議員、党員全員が必視聴!!【高市早苗vs高橋弘樹】中国の脅威から守れ!高市早苗のガチ…

These are the top 10 real-time search numbers as of 21:56 on 2024/9/25.

1 The UN is full of people like this, and the more harmful CCP has veto power. 2 再発信!でたらめの告発で200人以上のBC級戦犯を処刑し、戦時賠償は取らないと表向きはいいながら、 3 彼は那須の服についていたシミを「被害者の血」と鑑定し、それが…

He continues to lecture Japan on the social standing of UN officials, asking, "Why don't you stop using nuclear power?

He continues to lecture Japan on the social standing of UN officials, asking, "Why don't you stop using nuclear power? September 24, 2018 The following is a continuation of the previous chapter. The university that Princess Masako also att…


「なぜ原発をやめないのか」と国連職員分際で日本に説教を垂れ続ける。 2018年09月24日 以下は前章の続きである。 雅子さまも通われていた大学 それは彼女の祖国オランダの国民性が深く関わる。 先の大戦で虎の子の蘭領東インドを失って貧乏になった。 その…


正論編集部から送られてきた朝日新聞記者のツイッターを見て、唖然とした。*初めて見る読者も唖然としたはずである*2018年05月02日 以下は昨日発売された月刊誌正論の「安倍“悪玉”論のいかがわしさ」と題した特集からである。 読者はご存知のとおり私は朝…


【高市早苗vs高橋弘樹】中国の脅威から守れ!高市早苗のガチ政策トーク60分【ReHacQ】 [parts:eNo9ybEOgjAURuHYJ+kLNKEoDHZhcWJ1cSy3f0wVuM21VfHpFWM800m+em83/0DWVjW102V3feX+8AysmrZSW9uoSq2duBzLAH2PAazT6BfIF5QnwgjhCRnitC+ZV3aaxpgG9hLMQ2KG05hJlpQRzIQ…




巨人に大きな、そして痛い1敗を喫したが… 阪神・岡田監督が球団史上初の『連覇』にこだわる理由、あらためて考えてみた:中日スポーツ・東京中日スポーツ (chunichi.co.jp)2024年9月24日コラム「田所龍一の岡田監督『アレやコレ』」大きな、大きな、そして…