
Using Women as a Tool to Expand the Party 

The following is from Themis, a monthly magazine specializing in subscriptions, which arrived at my home yesterday.I have already mentioned that I subscribe to this magazine to read Masayuki Takayama's regular columns.This article also pro…



正に朝日のお得意芸と言うべきだろう… 常に自分達に都合よく利用する…

正に朝日のお得意芸と言うべきだろう… 常に自分達に都合よく利用する…2019年05月03日そもそも春には頻繁に中国本土から飛来するpm2.5に覆われるのに、メディアは殆ど、これを報じない。…と題して2018-06-25に発信した章からである。昨日、今日は今年一番暑…

The self-righteous and arrogant Matsuoka and Asahi were a perfect match.

Even when the Emperor spoke out against it, the army chief of staff and the Asahi Shimbun did not "listen" to him. The self-righteous and arrogant Matsuoka and Asahi were breathing perfectly together.May 06, 2019Emperor Showa disliked Yosu…