Taro Sekihei.
This statement by Wang Yi is quite absurd.
Japanese people are not trying to become Westerners, but that is no reason why we should work with you People's Republic of China.
The roots of the Japanese people are in Japan, and have nothing to do with today's China.
We have long since left Asia since the Meiji era.
I was gushing when I heard Wang Yi say "Your roots."
You CCPs oppress the Chinese people by brandishing the "principles" of Marx the German, and yet you send your children and property to the US.
You are the ones who should "know your roots."
Japan and South Korea Must "Know Their Roots" and Not Become Westerners
China's top diplomat
July 5, 2012 (AFP)
China's top diplomat Wang Yi, a member of the Communist Party Politburo, called on Japan and South Korea on July 3 to know their "roots" and reject Western influence.