
Premierminister, der den Geist der Eigenständigkeit und Selbstachtung geweckt hat

Zum ersten Jahrestag des Todes des ehemaligen Premierministers Abe Premierminister, der den Geist der Selbstständigkeit und Selbstachtung weckte Nobukatsu Kanehara, ehemaliger stellvertretender Kabinettschef und Gastprofessor an der Doshis…

On the First Anniversary of the Death of Former Prime Minister Abe

On the First Anniversary of the Death of Former Prime Minister Abe Prime Minister who awakened the spirit of self-reliance and self-respect Nobukatsu Kanehara, former Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary and Visiting Professor at Doshisha Univer…


安倍元首相死去1年にあたり 自立自尊の魂呼び覚ました宰相 元内閣官房副長官補、同志社大特別客員教授・兼原信克 安倍晋三元首相 安倍晋三元首相が亡くなって暫(しばら)くして東京・富ケ谷の自宅に伺い、御霊前に手を合わせた。紫紺の布に包まれた骨壺を…

You CCPs oppress the Chinese people by brandishing the "principles" of Marx the German, and yet you send your children and property to the US.

Taro Sekihei.@liyonyonThis statement by Wang Yi is quite absurd.Japanese people are not trying to become Westerners, but that is no reason why we should work with you People's Republic of China.The roots of the Japanese people are in Japan…

The attempt to create a multicultural society has failed. It has failed completely.

Mattari®︎ver1.0.1@mattariver1Are you watching Kishida?Immigration doesn't work.Europe has taught us firsthand that it only destroys societies, so why are you taking Japan to ruin?Tweet QuoteTakuya@Takuya1978Former German Chancellor Merkel …

Standing Up Against American Meddling: Patronizing Not Welcome Here

Standing Up Against American Meddling: Patronizing Not Welcome Here | JAPAN Forward (japan-forward.com) Standing Up Against American Meddling: Patronizing Not Welcome Here Whether the words come from the president or his ambassador, it's t…


トータルニュースワールド @TotalWorld1 中国人2人を逮捕。転売目的で50以上の農機具を盗む/ネット「国の宝」「岸田政権が外国人優遇施策を続けていると、今にフランスのようになるぞ!」 totalnewsjp.com 中国人2人を逮捕。転売目的で50以上の農機具を盗…