
While forcing tax hikes that lead to increased defense spending,

While forcing tax hikes that lead to increased defense spending, the government spends large sums of money on other countries following the wishes of the United States.June 17, 2023 The so-called academics, Prime Minister Kishida, and most…

It is now well-known that China has ambitions to dominate the world in nuclear power and super high-speed railroads as well!

It is now well-known that China has ambitions to dominate the world in nuclear power and super high-speed railroads as well!Since when has China's scheming taken in the global warming conference?The current cop21 is entirely in line with C…


2022年02月22日 2010/7/17に発表した「文明のターンテーブル」を、本日再編し、新たに発信する。 始めに。本論文での数値は2010年7月時点のものであるが、GDPの数値等、現在と殆ど変わらないのが実態だから、そのまま記載する。但し、振り返る時制は現在時間…