He continues to lecture Japan on the social standing of UN officials, asking, "Why don't you stop using nuclear power?

He continues to lecture Japan on the social standing of UN officials, asking, "Why don't you stop using nuclear power?
September 24, 2018
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The university that Princess Masako also attended is
deeply connected to the national character of her homeland, the Netherlands.
The Netherlands lost its prized Dutch East Indies in the last World War and became impoverished.
The resentment is deep.
It is a nation that executed more than 200 Class B and C war criminals on trumped-up charges, and while it officially said it would not demand war reparations, it secretly threatened to demand reparations twice.
The second time was two years after the death of Emperor Showa when Queen Beatrix made the request.
Incidentally, although royalty from all over the world attended the funeral, the Dutch royal family was the only one absent.
The royal family is known for its close friendship with Princess Masako, so I don't want to say anything too harsh, but there is no doubt that Maud was infected with the anti-Japanese attitude of the royal family and those below.
Incidentally, the money for her trip to Japan to create this false report and her high salary are all paid from the UN's share of the costs.
Japan has paid 20% of this in the past, which is 60 billion yen (now 30 billion yen). 
Like UNESCO, Japan should probably stop paying its share of the costs.
On the subject of Princess Masako, one place that the Princess frequented while taking time off from her official duties was the United Nations University on Aoyama Dori.
I hear that the building, made entirely of granite, also has a room for Princess Masako, and Japan was responsible for inviting the university to Japan and for almost all of the $70 million in maintenance costs. 
However, many of the anti-Japanese seminars held there are given by supporters of former vice-president Mushanokoji Kinhide, who has close ties with North Korea, and I hear that there are also occasional lectures by Kowa Kazuo, who has close ties with the Soka Gakkai.
Among those who have received a stipend here is the Indian Ramshu Takur, who writes nothing but bad things about Japan in the Japan Times.
An Iranian woman who loves Naoto Kan 
There is also the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Hiroshima Office.
Japan also bears the majority of the maintenance costs for this office, and for example, it is here that issues that should be dealt with by the relevant countries, such as what to do about the Sudan, which is currently in the process of splitting up, are discussed.
The director of this office is the Iranian woman Nasrin Azimi, who is still active as a high-level advisor. 
She has an unusual personality, and after the Great East Japan Earthquake, she continued to lecture Japan as a UN employee, asking, "Why does Japan, a country that was bombed, insist on nuclear power generation?" and "Why doesn't Japan stop nuclear power generation?".
The Netherlands, Iran, and Bulgaria are all half-bankrupt countries.
They can't even take care of their own countries, but they are leeching off Japan and trying to undermine it with baseless lies and slander.
The UN is full of people like this, and the more harmful CCP has veto power.
Japan should seriously consider withdrawing.
September 5, 2024 in Onomichi, Hiroshima