It has also led to a division of national consciousness. 

The following is from an article by Dr. Teruhisa Se, a professor at Kyushu University, which appeared in a three-page column from page 64 to 71 of WiLL, one of the world's leading monthly magazines, titled "Grassroots Conservatives Against Immigration, Ordinary Japanese Do Not Want 'Globalization'" on the 26th.
The following is an excerpt from pages 66 to 71.
This paper is also one of the most essential papers in the world today.

Preamble omitted.
Globalization Causing Suffering to the Common People 
It is true that globalization has made life more convenient in some developed countries.
At the same time, however, it has also given rise to various social problems.
These include widening economic disparities, dysfunctional democracy, and fragmentation of national consciousness. 
Globalization has inevitably caused these social problems.
The advance of globalization undoubtedly increases the political influence of global investors and corporations, which have the power to move capital across national borders.
It leads to a situation in which the will of global investors and corporate officials is reflected in the politics of each country more strongly than the will of the general public in each country. 
It is because global investors and corporations are now able to pressure governments to prepare a business-friendly environment for them, or else they will move their capital elsewhere.
For example, they are told, "Make reforms to make it easier to hire non-regular workers so that labor costs can be lowered, or you will be forced to move production out of the country. Otherwise, they can demand that the production base be moved out of the country and that the tax system be reformed to lower corporate taxes, or they will no longer invest in your country. 
Since globalization, many institutions and policies have been created in each country to meet the demands of global investors and corporations, resulting in economic and political injustice in each country's society.
Economically, the wealthy were advantaged while the ordinary people were disadvantaged, widening inequalities.
Politically, democracy became dysfunctional.
This is because governments are less likely to listen to the voices of the common people than those of global investors and business people.
The conflict between those who benefit from measures to promote globalization and those who do not has intensified.
It has also led to a division of national consciousness. 
The influx of large-scale immigrants has been promoted in developed countries because the political influence of global investors and corporations has increased compared to that of the general public in each country.
Global investors and corporate officials desire a large influx of foreign workers and immigrants.
Foreign workers and immigrants lower labor costs and make it easier for global investors and corporations to do business.
They do not consider the cost to the ordinary people in their countries.
More immigration is not suitable for the commoner.
Wages will not rise, and employment will not be stable.
The social burden of welfare and education will also increase.
According to U.S. labor economist George Borjas, a 10% increase in immigrants in a given group of workers will cause wages to fall by about 3%.
Significant income transfers from workers to firms (investors and managers) would also occur (Hakusuisha, "The Political Economy of Immigration," 2017).
The general population will become poorer than before.
This article continues.