It is a fabricated story to make people think that the V-22 is dangerous.
【罪を隠す政治家の代表格】立憲辻本&小西ひろゆき / 警察が手に負えない闇に隠された真実 ②【洋一の部屋】阿比留瑠比(産経新聞論説委員)
Resend! It is a popular page yesterday, 2023/12/14.
Top 50 searchers for the past week, 2023/12/14
Docomo and Google! The time to investigate, verify, and file criminal charges is long overdue
文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2023/12/14
사람들이 V-22가 위험하다고 생각하게 만들려는 조작된 이야기입니다.
2023/12/13 in Kyoto