


Abe's disappointment and the disappointment and anger of most decent Japanese citizens have reached a boiling point.

Saicho defined "national treasures" as those who continue to work to illuminate a corner of the world.The Conservative Party of Japan is composed of "national treasures."Mr. Abe was "assassinated," and this is the most significant postwar …

It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/12/18.

1 トップページ 2 日付毎(2023年12月02日) 3 日付毎(2023年12月04日) 4 大谷太っ腹。後払い分が大きく米国長期金利で割り引いた契約の現在価値は580億円。ドジャースはいい買い物だった→大谷翔平、来季年俸は2.9億円? 5 それどころか上記の会社を支配し…

It is a popular page yesterday, 2023/12/18.

1 トップページ 2 Top 50 searchers for the past week, 2023/12/17 3 It is a popular page yesterday, 2023/12/17. 4 再送!彼らの給料の中から、6人に1人の貧困世帯の若者を救わせろ。 5 再送!TBSよ、あなたが指摘している、日本の中の貧困は、即座に…