
Top 10 real-time searches 2021/7/3, 0:20

1 護憲を叫ぶ「九条の会」の呼びかけ人であり、共産党の政権獲得に期待を寄せる筋金入りの左派です。 2 Asahi is planning to "bring down Japan" with their revenge. I think that's the real aim. 3 朝日の豊富な資金力で屋上を中国製の太陽光パネルで覆…

Japan's power of tradition is not a veneer like China, which is essential to enter the age.

This chapter is a partial revision of the chapter I sent out on 2/28/2019.The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.Then, the world is also looking at Japan pessimistically. Michael Schumann, author of 'Confucius and the Wo…

It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/12/29.

1 トップページ 2 日付毎(2023年12月02日) 3 日付毎(2023年12月04日) 4 She got to the heart of Klaus Schwab and the Davos meeting. 5 Otis Redding - White Christmas (Lyrics) with my shots on 2023/12/23 in Kyoto 6 Japan's power of tradition …

It is a popular page yesterday, 2023/12/29.

1 トップページ 2 Japan's power of tradition is not a veneer like China, which is essential to enter the age. 3 先ほど発信した本章が、Gooにおいて、早速、以下のような検索妨害の犯罪に遭っていた。 4 It is a popular page yesterday, 2023/12/28. …

Neither Docomo nor Google could have prevented this criminal act.

On the day before yesterday, Hyakuta-san announced on the Hyakuta Naoki Channel that he had been diagnosed with cancer and that he would be undergoing surgery in the new year.This column must also be titled "Sad news.At around 3:17 a.m. to…

