
Former Prime Minister Reveals Asahi's Lies 

The following is from Masayuki Takayama's latest book, "Henkenjizai: Who Buried Shinzo Abe?This book is the latest in a series of bound editions of his famous columns in weekly Shincho, but the original text has been polished to make it ev…

Former Prime Minister Abe Reveals Northern Fiction 

The following is from Masayuki Takayama's latest book, "Henkenjizai: Who Buried Shinzo Abe?This book is the latest in a series of bound editions of his famous columns in weekly Shincho, but the original text has been polished to make it ev…

Top 10 real-time searches 2024/1/12, 13:29

1 It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2024/1/12. 2 「安倍暗殺、成功して良かった」の島田テロ彦を雇い続ける法大と「百田、ガン治らないよ」のクズ哲を解雇しない早大で最低教育機関争いか 3 It is a popular page yesterday, 2024/1/12. 4 再発信…


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あやこ 。@tateyoko0417下記、民団新聞、政治家・日本中枢にいる人たちに読んでほしい。反日勢力の凄まじい経済侵略。 引用あやこ 。@tateyoko04172023年12月11日民団新聞。

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