It is fed up that such a man is a professor.

May 30, 2022
It is a chapter I published on March 6, 2019, entitled "They watch the programs they make without any doubt... thinking that Okinawa is pitiful, that the government is to blame, etc., and are completely uneducated and do not realize that they are just poorly informed people."
I will correct the paragraphs and punctuation and republish it.
Generally, those who do evil always show their true colors, as if they are hiding their heads but not their tails.
Those who watched the biased reporting and information manipulation on Okinawa on watch9 the day before yesterday should remember that NHK aired footage from the sky above Ginowan City many times.
That footage showed the truth about Okinawa, which even Watch9's biased reporting and information manipulation could not cover-up.

When the massive tsunami from the Great East Japan Earthquake hit my hometown of Yuriage, reinforced concrete structures were the only buildings that remained without collapsing or being washed away.

The reality of Ginowan City, as shown in the aerial footage of Ginowan City that NHK has aired many times, is that the city is lined with sturdy reinforced concrete buildings that are even more impressive than the countryside on the mainland.
The US military, which never forgets military strategy, knew that Okinawa was crucial in Japan's defense strategy, even without learning from the fierce Battle of Okinawa.
That's why GHQ built US military bases in Okinawa when it occupied Japan.
At the same time, compared to mainland Japan, where 127 cities were reduced to ashes by indiscriminate bombing and incendiary bombs, and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki suddenly reduced the country to the poorest in the world,
Okinawa was thriving due to the particular demand for bases, and the people of Okinawa welcomed the US military bases and promoted coexistence and prosperity.
It is genuinely foolish and malicious, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are aiding China and Korea in dividing Japan.
The agents of China and the Korean peninsula who have infiltrated NHK and controlled its news department repeatedly told the man who calls himself a professor at Okinawa International University (It is fed up that such a man is a professor. Japan supports such a person with tax money), that the US military induced his opinions, that he was speaking under the guidance of the US military.
The Japanese national broadcasting station was using the airwaves of the people to report on a plot to divide Okinawa.
Their ultimate goal was to report in a way that would lead to Okinawa's independence, as China and Korea intended.

A unique feature on Okinawa was published when I was a subscriber to the Japanese edition of Newsweek.
Okinawans said, "When I watch the mainland's countryside on TV, we live much better than they are. I feel bad that the government is cutting back on infrastructure development in the mainland and using that money to give us huge subsidies."

These are the real villains and traitors who lurk within NHK.
These are people who don't have any doubts about the programs they make and watch them thinking that Okinawa is pitiful, the government is to blame, and they are completely uneducated.
Ladies who only watch TV do not realize that they are just people with poor information who think they are on the side of justice and are respectable citizens.
To those who subscribe to Asahi, Mainichi, Tokyo, Chunichi, and other newspapers and only watch NHK's watch9, etc.
Shame on you!

2024/8/26 in Onomichi, Hiroshima