It isn't brilliant to do something without thinking about the consequences under the slogan of being environmentally friendly.

Ikeda Kiyohiko Born in Tokyo in 1947.
He graduated from the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, and is a Biologist.
He is a professor at the School of International Liberal Arts, Waseda University.
His principal works include "The Lies of Environmental Issues" and "The Real Environmental Questions," and his latest work is "Our Insect Collection" (co-authored).

...The text in bold is mine.
Japan started a feed-in tariff (FIT) system for solar power this July.
It is said to be 42 yen per kWh.
The unit cost of generating electricity from thermal power is about 7 yen/kWh, so it is far too expensive and will inevitably collapse.
Suppose everyone starts using solar power at the same time, thinking that it will be profitable. In that case, electricity prices will skyrocket, ordinary households will be in trouble, and manufacturing industries that use a lot of electricity will flee to other countries.
Well, I'm sure it's related to vested interests, but I think it isn't brilliant to do something without thinking about the consequences under the slogan of being environmentally friendly.
Germany, which has introduced FIT, agreed at a joint conference of the House of Representatives and Senate held in late June to a bill to reduce the purchase price of solar power generation by 20 to 30% and to stop purchasing solar power generation once the cumulative installed capacity of solar power generation reaches 52 million kW.
The German weekly magazine Spiegel is said to have pointed out that "solar power generation could become the most expensive mistake in the history of German environmental policy."
It is continued below.

In this matter, Mr. Ikeda Kiyohiko's and my voices need to be heard throughout Japan.
Why? That is what we call true patriotism and the country's true salvation.
Mr. Ikeda Kiyohiko's and my own intellects are true patriotism and the true salvation of the country, and they are the highest class in Japan.

2024/8/26 in Onomichi